Monday, September 21, 2009

Easy Techniques To Change Your Mood

Here are the easy techniques to change your mood.

1. Visual - I have feelings often splendid castle and experiences in my memory by a number of times during the peak experience to remember and take everything around me. Recently I was in Lima, Peru, standing on the beach at sunset, with two friends and listening to the waves by dragging and pushing small stones in both directions while my friend a beautiful melody played on the bamboo flute. It was an extraordinary moment for me because I am filled with peace, joy and clarity. There was something unusual, special and magical experience and I made sure to remember in vivid detail and full. Expenditure burn thirty seconds of experience in my mind and then lock by creating a single image or a picture, I can call anytime to face the feelings and mood.

2. Breath - I am concentrating on my breathing when I feel calm, energetic and patient, this technique can be used for mood or emotional state. Slowly and deeply relaxing and generally have a calming effect, rapid shallow breaths while the pulse rate and other biological systems.

3. Smile - I love it because it is so easy and it works perfectly when I start to feel crappy or start worrying about something. It's amazing what happens when you smile at others, they are almost always smile. Only the act of smiling improves your mood and improve the mood of others.

4. Acceptance - In January, I decided that I needed to enroll in graduate school and in April I had the right tests, completing all the paperwork and sent my application to the program. I was terribly excited by the opportunity to study at university level, but I was also aware that I am very competitive and it would be difficult to accept. I made sure that all the hard work I had in the application process would not place my hopes and I received my rejection letter, I took a deep breath, looked inside and I said to myself: "That's fine, take in, not fighting, it is absolutely out of your control. You do the best you can and now we continue." Acceptance is a powerful source of force in my life. Instead of fighting something, I let wash over me, and once it filled me completely, I let go. I think this is true in many situations and I often used to ward off the cold wind and low temperatures outside.

5. Perspective, people often take their own problems and it may be difficult to see things objectively. When this happens to me, I wonder intensification literally myself float and look down on the situation. Having done this, I ask: "Does your response appropriately to the situation, how could look like someone else, they were there? It also helps you think in the third person, I would say: "Vlad is really concerned about the review when it's something he can do nothing, how John felt when he stood beside me , looking at where Vlad right now? "By moving the angle from which you see and observe the situation from the point of view third person, you can separate the emotional reaction and get more freedom and flexibility in your emotional reactions.

6. Help others - I take every opportunity to help others. From a place of sacrifice, I want to help them improve their situation and life, now I feel better about myself because I gave a hand to someone in need. This gives me a thrill of satisfaction and a boost of inner strength.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Change Your Mood

These are my thoughts on changing your mood.

Did you wake up one day and feeling grumpy? After a restful night awaits, the eyes open and instead of the usual "Let's Get out of bed and see what happens in the day" attitude, a little voice in your head says: "Remove the back cover, bad mood and go back to sleep.

What do you do if you feel this way?

You sit at your desk Beware your own business and suddenly the voices start saying things like: "I want to work no more" ... or "this job sucks".

Indulge yourself in this voice and let it control your actions? Or you can call it what it is ... In a bad mood ... and change?

We all have them. A bad mood can fail after something goes wrong or they warn, for no apparent reason. Maybe something you ate for lunch did not agree with your stomach, or perhaps the light in the room are too bright ... You may not even know what causes this weird little voice pipes up. It is important that you know that you have the power to change it.

You do not bear this atmosphere around you.

Setting the mood: A state of mind or emotion.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says that when the humor comes from the head to realize you can change it. He says that if you are in a bad mood when you positive thoughts like "I want to feel good" ... They believe they lift your spirits and that they begin to repeat. It's your choice. Change your thoughts .. . Change your mood.

I know that may seem too simple. Especially when you read in a bad mood while you do this. There is nothing worse than someone telling you that your bad mood is persistent your fault. But ... Well ... it is. **

The key change is to identify the conscience of the state of mind as negative and to know what you are away. It is different for everyone, of course. What some may make the mood worse. This trial and error. The point is to try it.

Ways to change your mind from evil to good:


Thanks for the things in your life is good. Turn your attention to what is positive around you. It can be difficult, something good when you feel stuck and frustrated to identify, but it is time for you to do most. Do yourself from your emotions and take a look at your life. Take a sheet of paper and write a list. Memory, which is love in your life and recognize what is positive, lift your mood.

Physics Motion

Move your body! Anthony Robbins said, as a movement of feeling. The way we organize ourselves physically connected to our emotional life. When you are sad, hold her head, a shift of the shoulders and move slowly. If you are happy, are you and move quickly and are not turned on, right? So if you have to fake. Save energy in the legs. Change the way you hold your body. Can a gym access? Can not jog around the block? Never mind, no excuse. You can jump up and down in your room for five minutes. Stretch. Touch your toes fifty times. No matter what you do to your attitude and your blood pumping. Will assume that the happy position of a body and your emotions will follow.

To think of nothing but what you do

Be there to escape their actions in what you do. Get Your Mind Off of the autopilot.
Your thoughts can not stay stuck in the emotion when you pay attention to the task directly. Whatever it is, no matter how you feel about this ... put everything you have entered. If you are watering plants, watering the plants really are. If you watch TV, really, it shows. Commands you to pay attention to detail. Be the best observers TV, you can. Your bad mood, which can pick up your spirit, will be in what interests you.

Smile therapy

Mother Teresa felt "Peace begins with a smile." Well, it's not so easy to smile through bad mood. French physiologist, Dr. Israel said Waynbaum try anyway. His research suggests that facial muscles used in a Smile Shutter cure specific hormones such as endorphins ecstatic and exciting immune killer T cells. Smile therapy actually reduces cortisol, stress hormones adrenaline and produces and happiness hormones that relaxes the muscles and effectively to stabilize the voltage of blood and body fluids. For example, a smile will really make you feel better physically. He also found that the more we smile, the more we want to smile. Do not feel a smile on there? Fake it. Your brain does not know difference. Apparently even fake smile tricks the brain by releasing hormones. And before you know that you do not need to do so.

Plan your future in the vicinity

Treat yourself look a bit forward. Is call a friend and restaurants, you can buy tickets to a football game, to make plans for Friday evening. This program recognizes the passing nature of this state of mind, and you know that you will soon be put into a sport you love. It is located at the end of the tunnel shines light.

Check the Task List

Take a step in the direction of your goals. Log call for cooking classes, the real estate agent and go to the store room, you have always been looking for. By taking action you feel productive. Just start and you will have great opportunities in a burst of energy captured and leaves the bad mood.

In a bad mood is not necessarily a bad thing.

In the past, I have a lot of emphasis on the word "bad". A bad mood was not really meant something. It meant a bad day and bad things had come safely. And then I would feel bad to be bad mood ... and the big bad black cloud, Dark Skies, No Way Out voices that turn me into a negative funk.

But now I realize that it was just a whim. I say: "Oh, look who decided to get up my big bad wolf, and say 'hello' today." He does not feel great, but not a big problem, because I know how to better manage now. This is not something that I need to cover steps to me through them.

The next time you in a bad mood, what you do so you must change it. Take steps to change to your mind and makes you feel better. You will probably find themselves in a positive mood with a new sense of motivation. And suddenly the bad mood, something that's good.

"There is nothing good or bad thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare

** Please note that I speak for a shorter typical bad mood. If your bad mood holds for more than two weeks, I encourage you to seek professional help. Depression is different from that in a bad mood and can be prevented by circumstances beyond your control.
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